Ayget Rulfin is a merchant who has gone to great lengths to obscure his past.  He has a weathered face, thick black beard and a nose that has been broken at least once.  Kal suspects that Rulfin is from Tormain, though the only thing he knows for sure is that Rulfin has access to rare and valuable items including revalin crystal.

Rulfin has acquired his reputation over many years, always able to find whatever his clients want, no matter how rare.  Rulfin cares little for the law and is happy to provide contraband goods.  Rulfin fully realizes that he can provide items that might be impossible for others to find and he charges accordingly.  Rulfin is usually cautious in his dealings and prefers to have personal knowledge of the people he works with.  He often demands face to face meetings with his customers, especially those he is unfamiliar with.