Hermis 'Smudge' Lentmen is an agent for the Aleph Association.  He is unusually tall with a lanky build.  He has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, and would be considered handsome, if not for his extensive facial scars.

Smudge is known for his boistrous attitude.  He is quick to laugh, though many find his dark sense of humor offputting.  Smudge always has a story to tell, but never spares the gory details.  Not everyone appreciates his jokes, but no one questions his loyalty to his friends.

Smudge began working at the Aleph Association when he was twelve, doing odd jobs to make ends meet after his father died.  Upon reaching adulthood Smudge became an agent and was trained as an attunweiyld.

Smudge works in the Aleph Association's Arkebis chapter.  When one of the Aleph's members is threatened or harrassed, Smudge is often called in to act as an enforcer.