Rena Kulmain is an agent for the Aleph Association.  She is described as having a slim build and honey colored hair.  Her friends often mention her warm and helpful nature.

Rena was born in Sonice, the capital of Rudian, where she atteneded one of the city's many artistic conservatories.  Rena originally turned to attunement as a method of enchancing her manual dexterity but quickly grew to love attunement more than painting.

After completing her training as an attunweiyld, Rena embraced the Aleph's ideal of spreading knowledge.  Despite the difficulty of training, seven of Rena's students have become full Attunweilyds.  This has brought her to the attention of several high ranking members of the Aleph who are interested in her training techniques.

Rena currently lives in Arkebis where she helps support her widowed sister's family.